

The 2010 Nam Convention

February 25th, 2010

The LLI will be presenting a workshop during the 2010 NAM convention which will be occurring this year in Birmingham, Alabama.The presentation is under the title “Lebanese Language in the 21st Century”. The presentation and workshop will occur on Thursday, July 8, 2010 from 11:30 am-1:00 pm. Make sure to attend.


Calendar of Events

February 25th, 2010

See List of Previous and Upcoming Events Below


2008 NAM Convention in New Jersey

July 10th, 2008

The Lebanese Language Institute recently attended the NAM yearly convention which occurred in July 2008 in New Jersey to raise awareness about the Lebanese Language. It is part of a larger Lebanese Language Awareness Campaign that the Institute is conducting in various states around the USA. Download and view the brochures that were handed out at the Convention for distribution.
